The Atlas Murders

The Atlas Murders
Today’s Free Kindle eBook: The Atlas Murders
If you dare read this book you will see through a window into an unexposed part of the merchant marine. Crime existed in this world of seamen but for reasons unorthodox went undetected.The case of ‘Jack The Ripper’ has recently uncovered a picture where a crewman on a German ship trading between London and Bremer Haven at that time could have been the elusive killer. The killings stopped but sometime later a man was arrested in New York for a similar murder and convicted and subsequently executed, this man was the one alluded to as a crewman on the German ship during the ‘Jack The Ripper’ murders.The English detective Henry Carter from the small town of Runcorn on the Manchester Ship Canal stumbles across a clue after exhausting all avenues to find the killer of his sixteen year old niece. This thought provoking clue of a crewman on a ship docked in Runcorn overnight when his niece was brutally raped and murdered, begins to take shape. With the help of Vera his liberated lover and secretary of the Shipping Company, and his colleagues at Scotland Yard, he narrows the search to four crewmen on S.S.RANGOON.The unique assignment for a serving officer to track down this killer has Henry joining the ship S.S.RANGOON as a crewman. His quest takes him into the unknown maritime world of 1950s, he has to deal with the rigors of life in the merchant navy and the dark and seedy underbelly of tropical ports. He faces many dangers as the psychopath continues to mutilate and murder at will.A cruel twist of justice sees Henry devastated. However although many years pass he remains determined to bring the killer to account. His meeting with the beautiful ‘Sea Gypsy’ Kerstin opens up lost chapters in both their lives. In his quest to track down the cruel killer he sails the Islands of the Caribbean where he discovers his lost family from a previous relationship, and much more. Follow Henry across the oceans of the world and also visit some wonderful and beautiful places and meet people from all the continents.The author uses Pidgin English in parts of the story. This is to enhance the characters of the persons speaking in these foreign countries around the Far East. This should not be misconstrued for grammatical error or editorial flaws; as the author as a young Deck Officer in the Merchant Navy sailed to these ports and the accounts written are from his true experiences from 1955 — 1980.Pages 410

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The Atlas Murders

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