$725M Facebook Class Action Payout (without proof needed)

Posted on Jul 13, 2023. All pictures shown are for illustration purpose only.
If you were a Facebook user in the United States between May 24, 2007, and December 22, 2022, inclusive, you may be eligible for a cash payment from a Class Action Settlement.
This lawsuit claim that user’s personal data was shared or made available to third-party companies without their consent. These third parties could include app developers, business partners, advertisers, and data brokers. Additionally, the lawsuit alleges that Facebook did not properly oversee or regulate the use of this data by these third-party entities,and the user data shared included information about their friends.
To receive settlement benefits, class members must submit a valid claim form by August 25, 2023.
Please read the FAQ section of the Settlement Administrator’s website to ensure you meet all standards before submitting your claim.
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How to get this sample: We are not a Settlement Administrator or law firm. We are a news source that reports and lists on class action lawsuits and class action settlements. Please click on the link below for the details!