FREE Amazon Music Unlimited for 30 Days
Get Amazon Music Unlimited FREE for 30 days! Amazon Music Unlimited takes Prime music to the next level, you can find virtually every song you can dream of, stream on any device (including Alexa devices!). You can make your own playlist or listen to one of the expert programmed playlist such as “hottest new releases” or “top pop songs of 2017”. There are Tens of millions of songs with new releases from today’s most popular artists. Listen ad-free with unlimited skips. Download for offline listening. NOTE: When your free trial is over The second month costs $3.99 for Echo devices, $7.99 for Prime Members or $9.99 for non Prime Member. BUT you can cancel at any time! You can Also Follow Us On Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+ for 24 hour freebie updates and more!
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