FREE Month of Amazon Prime
Signups are for Amazon Family, which gives you FREE Month of Amazon Prime. After you sign up make sure you follow the steps below so they don’t subscribe you after 1 month – (Amazon Mom FAQ) Please Note: If you’ve had prime or Amazon Mom before you can’t do this on an existing account. After you Sign Up (to prevent future $99 auto-upgrade charge):
1. Go to Your Account
2. Click Manage Prime Membership
3. Click Do Not Upgrade
4. Click Turn– Off Auto Upgrade With Amazon Mom you get:
• 20% off diapers and wipes subscriptions
• FREE Two-Day Shipping on millions of items
• A Kindle book to borrow for FREE each month from the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library ” College Students can also still get a FREE 6-months of Amazon Prime. You can Also Follow Us On Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+ for 24 hour freebie updates and more!
How to get this sample: