FREE Stuff from Purina Cat Chow (Update: Earn between 3,000 – 5,000 FREE points)
To get FREE Stuff from Purina Cat Chow sign up for the “My Perks Rewards” and you start with 10,000 points. You can earn more points under Activities Tab (you can easily earn another 3,690 points). Then add between 3,000 – 5,000 from the codes below. Click the “Rewards” Tab at the top of the page and redeem your rewards! It may take a couple of months to earn enough points.
Update: Earn between 3,000 – 5,000 free points with this new code: Code 1:
UPC: 17800-14500
Mfg. Code: 32281084
Mfg. Code: 0800L02 Want to earn free cat swag? Then join Purina Cat Chow Perks and star earn points from activities. Then redeem those points for free items your cat will love! Get 10,000 free points just for joining (that’s a total of 17,000 free points with the codes above)! You can also add your birthday and connect your social accounts for more free points! Once logged in click on ‘Activities’ for all the ways you can earn points. Then be sure to check out the ‘Rewards’ section to see all the swag you could score for free! [READ MORE] You can Also Follow Us On Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+ for 24 hour freebie updates and more!
How to get this sample: