Get Free $65 From Neuriva Settlement!

Posted on Mar 25, 2022. All pictures shown are for illustration purpose only.
Anyone who purchased Neuriva Original, Neuriva Plus, and Deuriva De-Stress for personal consumption and not for resale, between Jan. 1, 2019, and April 23, 2021 is entitled to compensation.
Without proof of purchase, Class Members may claim up to $20 — up to four purchases at $5 each. Those who are able to provide proof of purchase may recover up to $32.50 per valid purchase, for a maximum potential award of $65. The deadline to file your claim is May 2, 2022. Please read the FAQ section of the Settlement Administrator’s website to ensure you meet all standards before submitting your claim.
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How to get this sample: We are not a Settlement Administrator or law firm. We are a news source that reports and lists on class action lawsuits and class action settlements. Please click on the link below for the details!
How to get this sample: We are not a Settlement Administrator or law firm. We are a news source that reports and lists on class action lawsuits and class action settlements. Please click on the link below for the details!
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